Approval for Nobism reports for Advocating

With this message I ask for approval for the data request project nobism reports for Advocating

Project link:
Project website:

This project can ONLY be joined if users are already member of the “nobism Ubiqum Cluster headache Project”
This project creates reports based on the personal data collected by the user.

This project is setup to give all advocates for Cluster headache materials to use to support their work in creating awareness or getting new research starting.

What will you share: We request access to the reports made by the “nobism Ubiqum Cluster headache Project”

What do we do with the reports: Reports will be made available for free download ( to be used for publications, advocating work and other sharing, to promote the work we do as cluster headache group and create Awareness about Cluster Headaches.

If you stop sharing: If you stop sharing no new reports will be shared. Download links will be deleted from Reports that are shared already online, are in the public property and can’t be deleted anymore.

Anonymized reports: All reports will be anonymous.

Thanks for the post @nobismRogierKoning! I’ve looked through the descriptions and consent forms etc. and think that it looks good. I think the language about the usage of the reports and deletion procedure in case people stop sharing their reports are clearly outlined.

I’d love to get at least a second opinion on this before approval though! :slight_smile:

Looks good to me as well.

This has been open for a while and @gedankenstuecke already nudged folks in the Slack chatroom, so I don’t expect there’s further feedback. So I’ll go ahead and mark this as approved.