2019: Marja Pirttivaara

This thread is for the 2019 Community Seat election for the Board of Directors of the Open Humans Foundation. Below you will find the introduction for the candidate and have the opportunity to ask them any questions you might have for them.

Marja’s introduction:
I’m a Finnish PhD (physics) and MBA (social and healthcare management), working at the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and also an unpaid visiting researcher of the University of Helsinki (DNA related issues). I’m a genetic genealogy expert, admin of Finland DNA project with more than 15 000 members, admin of Finland DNA Facebook group, with 7 700 members. I’m also a founding member of MyData Global. I’m a practical and knowledgeable bridge builder, always curious about the future. I’m just waiting for my whole genome results.

My vision of Open Humans is a trusted global platform and actively cooperating community for fair & responsible sharing and utilizing personal data, mydata, tools and creating best practises.

As a Finn and European and a genetic genealogy & genome data expert (etc) I’d like to contribute to the Open Humans humans community.

Linked In: https://fi.linkedin.com/in/pirttivaaramarja
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marja_p?lang=en
Blog: http://www.dnaguru.fi/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FinlandDNA/

Please feel free to post your questions for Marja below!

Hi all. Thank you @gedankenstuecke for introducing me. Please ask questions, here or privately, or in Slack etc.

I’m the new EU representative of OpenHumans, needed for GDPR compliance. I created a new channel, #GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation) in Open Humans Slack.

I just got my DNA imputed in Open Human Imputer, it was really interesting the result!

In Finnish we have a saying “put ones hands into clay” which means learning and understanding by doing. I’m PhD in Physics and MBA (social and healthcare management), very curious - and certainly putting my hands into clay, every day. Open Humans is an extraordinary community, open for ideas, dialogue and cooperation.