Hi all! This is Mad – I thought I’d post here too, even though you may have seen a lot of me already. 
A bit about me: I have to confess that I hadn’t considered myself much of a self-researcher, although I’m tech-savvy and work with personal data. As a parent, life is pretty busy… I think it’s hard to make time for doing much exploration of my own data. (I think about @Martijn_de_Groot’s point that curiousity alone might not be enough motivation!)
I’ve learned a lot from others, though! And I’m happy to share what I learned. I think… broadly speaking, of the areas I’m interested right now in is my “quality of life” as it relates to my happiness (and stress, etc). I’ve been tracking my mood since spring last year.
Also, more idiosyncratic to me, is that I’m taking testosterone to physiologically transition gender (not sure what my endpoint is here, but it’s been nice so far), and I’ve been trying to track the physiological changes that occur (e.g. voice changes).
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I am new here, my name is Rusty, and don’t think I understand self-research as fully as I should. But I’m going to learn…I hope…
I am a licensed nurse by trade, and well versed in anatomy and physiology, human sciences of wellness, and retired after many years of trying my best to help people in need of medical care. (More commonly known as “burnout”). Hospitals, care homes, nursing homes, private duty to name a few scenarios.
I can provide some info on regular guys (me) who use testosterone cypionate if needed. Some of the things you wouldn’t find in common journals or accounts I can tell you about from a born male perspective, and some of the
I started somewhere here to share DNA for research through the Personal Genome Project, I then found Open Human. Then I was looking for the Circles study to apply and found your (Mad’s) testerone post.
I’d still like to do the Circles Areola Study, and if I can be of any assistance with my experiences from using TC for above 10 years, or anything for that matter, I’m available to discuss it.
Everything looks to be from 2020 so I might have arrived too late to be of any use, but I am available for discussions.
Thank you