My friend and colleague Jessica Morris, living with glioblastoma (GBM), founded a non-profit called OurBrainBank. We gather self-reported health indicators data from people with GBM and their carers.
Currently using a custom app, but looking at ways to make our data more valuable for research and the app/data itself more helpful for the people generating it.
I will start a discussion about GBM data collection, new to this and I don’t have a science background, so appreciate any help.
Had a meeting today with Bastian to introduce me to Open Humans, thank you Bastian!
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Hey @MarthaOurBrainBankfo,
welcome to the Open Humans forum, glad to see you here! I think making the data more useful for the people generating it is a key challenge!
Btw: Our forum isn’t used as much these days as many interactions happen on our Slack instead. You can join it through 
Good to see another community project starting. We try the same as Cluster Headache community. Its a hard battle. Patient initiatives in research are not very well accepted and we will encounter a lot of the same problems. Is data validated, is it stored in the right place, is outcome of analysis validated etc etc.
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