Tips for developing project ideas

I’ve collected tips here shared by various folks, via the forum and our webinar chat. I may update it with more insights people bring!


  • Be motivated by more than curiosity: curiosity is excellent, but it can wane. Having an additional motivation – e.g. solving a problem or improving your life – can motivate you & lead to a successful self research project.1

  • Ask a good question: A “good question” aspires to be: simple, unambiguous, and about just one topic. The SMART criteria (simple, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely) can help evaluate how doable an idea is.1
    While reducing things to a “question” may seem reductionist, it doesn’t deny other things matter too: it’s a valuable methodological reduction to help you learn something.2

  • Think about how to make it tractable: One of the biggest challenges is “how can I make this measurable?” This may require some creativity!3

  • Reflect on your understanding: Just starting a dialogue with yourself about ‘what’s going on?’ is a good practice – you might start by simply journaling. What did you think was true? How has that changed? (One technique: make predictions before making a measurement – was your guess correct?)4

  • Consider testing conditions: many ideas wonder about potential correlations, but the resulting data is muddy and unclear, and it can be difficult to assess causality. If you can change a condition deliberately (A vs. B) you’ll collect more powerful data.5


  • Put the data type in front of the question: People often get stuck spending a lot of time trying to master some kind of data, but then be unsatisfied with the outcome! They find the data was unrelated and unhelpful for their question.3
    Keep your objectives in mind but don’t get fixated on the road to get there. Be flexible to take another road if thats whats needed.6

  • Feel constrained by these tips! There are exceptions to every rule.

[1] Getting started by @Martijn_de_Groot
[2] Thomas Blomseth Christiansen in the Feb 5 kick-off webinar
[3] @Agaricus in the Feb 5 kick-off webinar
[4] Steven Jonas in the Feb 5 kick-off webinar
[5] @madprime in Tracking my Mood & Food Intake and in the Feb 5 kick-off webinar
[6] @nobismRogierKoning in Tips for developing project ideas

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I would add:

Be bold: Don’t leave any door un-opened and use all you achieved to make a next step. Inflate yourself and aim for the stars.

Be flexible: Keep your objectives in mind but don’t get fixated on the road to get there. Be flexible to take another road if thats whats needed.

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Thanks! I’ve added your “flexible” point, as a restatement of Gary’s point about being overly focused on a particular data/method. Maybe another way to say is… don’t put the “method” in front of the “objective”?